Advaita Post 10-05 - There is an endless relaxation...


Year No. 10 05 (March 23, 2009)

--- There is an endless relaxation when you no longer grasp onto yourself ---
Shift your point of view and perspective
until all your positions are released.

Introduction and talk on March 15, 2009 Bruges
Notes by Danny

Observe the process of closing and opening in yourself, so that you get to know it. For that clarity is necessary. Only in clarity do you see how these processes work. Then you no longer go along unconsciously into a closure and openness may actually breakthrough.

At the level of consciousness you experience the open space most easily. Everybody has consciousness, everyone is being-awareness. In consciousness a wider sphere is present. Go along with the expansion of consciousness. Let your consciousness spread to the horizon around you. As you go along into that expanded consciousness, you become free from restrictive viewpoints; you break open. Nobody is stuck in one point of view. There is a fundamental freedom. Confirm that in your own experience. You're not stuck in a body, you have broken open into being-awareness.

At the level of the witness-consciousness the identification with a person is largely broken through, but there is still a position. The point of view of the witness can also break open. Then there is only an infinite openness. It is the absence of all view points. All separations disappear. Also the separation between inside and outside is gone. The witness dissolves into the greater space. Inner becomes outer, and outer inner. Self-being appears to be universal. It is literally present everywhere. You are present everywhere as self-being, the self of everything and everyone. Hear the sound of the church bells. You yourself are the sound of the clock from inside-out. You are also the sun and the others from inside-out. You are the self of everything and everyone. There is an endless relaxation when you no longer grasp onto yourself.

Children are not strongly fixed to a certain viewpoint. But children don't yet have a discerning consciousness. Therefore they can easily go along with someone else's construction.

In being-awareness there is space, infinite space. Go with yourself completely into the expansion of self-being. Then you are the self of others. People are fundamentally open and their reality is too. Therefore, psychology cannot fix a definitive human structure and assess natural laws of human functioning. There are no fixed data. With the human being reality is completely open. There is no fixed identity. You are yourself without identity. Something inexpressible remains: free and without separations. It has no basis, it is groundless and non-dual.

Remain with an open being. Ask yourself to what extent a wider sphere is possible. View this on all levels. Being-awareness is infinite, but only if you do not impose restrictions upon it. Self-being is infinite only if there are no contractions present. Being-awareness is of itself infinite, it cannot be restricted. Relax and let yourself as feeling-being-awareness come to yourself.

Always be aware of your own situation. Is there a limitation present, observe it and see that you are larger than that limitation. Everyone is basically free, that means nobody is stuck anywhere. That you are stuck, is an illusory belief.

You are one hundred percent free. Freedom has nothing to do with conditioning.

In self-being there is no conditioning. Primarily you are totally free. Become aware of your original freedom. The freer you remain, the smoother everything goes.

Er is geen tweeheid

als je ontspannen bent
in zelf-bewustzijn
is dat duidelijk.

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