Volume 10 Nr 18 - It's a different kind of knowing...

Volume 10 Nr 18 (November 9, 2009)

--- It's a different kind of knowing: it's the internal confirmation of your own origin ---


White and blue

The November air is open
and shines with a glistening low
white sun and very still blue.

The open sea basks in low sun
and radiates upward
glistening white and very still blue.

Silent white and blue radiates in
silent white and blue.

Three swans glide forth
silent white in blue.
Joy radiates open:
self-being, the low sun
glistening white and very still blue.

From a talk in Gouda May 27, 2009 Part 2: Confirmation is not thinking

The confirmation of the openness is important, but this confirmation isn't it just an idea?

You imagine this from an old pattern: when I confirm anything "this is so and that is so" it's a judgement from a personal viewpoint, on the level of  "I think". Descartes also went along with that: "I think therefore I am". But if you go just a little further in your consciousness, you see that the real confirmation has already occurred much earlier, without thinking. You confirm something: oh, so that's it, and afterwards there is the thought. If you're alert, you see that thought always comes afterwards. It is always too late but it is still considered to be the most important. Although there are thought structures, people see it as the whole truth. That's simply rationalization. But much earlier there is something already confirmed that you can become aware of: oh, so that's it.

The confirmation is direct. It's a reflection without means of the phenomena that arise. The structure and nature of the situation is then immediately obvious. We call this insight. On the level of insight many personal patterns have fallen away. The self-being then is more of a witness-consciousness and has a greater clarity.

Of course on the mental level there can be an elaboration of the confirmation using language, but it's always inadequate and distorting of the direct confirmation. Take a look at aspects of your own self-being. It's very clear with the confirmation of the blank state. When it's there and then later you experience yourself once again as a physical person, that blank state is "nothing". The events and the blank state are situated on one timeline. Then thought says: "I just had a blackout, there was nothing." But if you are aware in the blank state, then everything revolves around that. Then you confirm: there is always the blank state and it has nothing to do with time. Within it, the various limited situations of self-being arise. Take a look at your youth as you grew up and where your "I think", continually changed. The construction of the world from the "I think" is so very relative.

Becoming aware in the blank state is clarity on a very pure level of insight (buddhi), which is to say, that then the personal conditionings disappear almost entirely. You should not confuse this with becoming silent on the I-level, because you experience that if you doze off or go to sleep. No, there must be an incredibly great inner clarity, if you want to experience that blank state from inside out and if the old situation is not to return. No, it is the clarity that precedes activity and drowsiness.

Therefore the inner knowing of the blank state is very different than the knowing of an external situation. It is a knowing that exists very deep in your own self-being. You are there and you confirm that therein there are no forms, only being-awareness. From the internal clarity there is the confirmation: that's it. People say they don't know what the dreamless sleep is, because they can't come to it. No, it's not possible to come to it in a dualistic manner. From an "I want" you go searching for an object-situation with forms. The point is that this is not about going towards such a situation and towards forms. It's exactly these that are completely gone. So it is a different kind of knowing: it is the internal confirmation of your own origin. Thus it is not a knowledge of something else, of something. This kind of knowledge has no specific type of object-content. It's really about a being-knowledge, in which your consciousness and the being of which you are aware, merge together in a knowing-being or a being-consciousness.

Er is geen tweeheid

als je ontspannen bent
in zelf-bewustzijn
is dat duidelijk.

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