Advaita Post 12-03 - In the true realization...

Volume 12 No. 3 (February 26, 2011)
--- In the true realization all levels of being-awareness merge into the groundless openness ---

Your life and yourself: a soap-bubble and space

I am Silence
without form,
without time,
without conditions,
previous to all this.

As silence I am
every form,
the progress of time,
the essence of the conditions,
the source and true nature of it all.

I am Silence,
free and
everything, everyone.
And that: without words.
And that: applies to everyone.


Text - about being and understanding

From a talk with Douwe Tiemersma, September 26, 2010, Retreat day Advaita Center Gouda.

Beginning from daily life the self-being has a great depth. All the levels that we have talked about play a role in everyday life. However, many people are not aware of many of these levels and therefore define their lives, their existence and their world in a flat and limited way. But of course all these levels are always present. In that respect you are always already yourself. And that self is also always already the source of everything.

Just take a look at it from the act of understanding. When in everyday life you say "I have understood something" what do you mean by that? It doesn't just mean that you have processed the information, but moreover that you have acquired a being-understanding of something. Understanding is making something your "own". You experience that something comes from outside that then becomes "your own" and then you say "now I understand".
Thus, understanding has to do with your own self-being and that is not on the level of words. Understanding is a clear seeing and insight, but it is not an insight of a witness who sees something from a distance. No, it is a higher form of direct insight in which you are involved; it's always about self-knowledge. In your own sphere things become clarified. When it concerns the Essence, that being-insight is at once realization.

Usually understanding occurs at a lower level and has to do with a limited sphere into which you can adapt a particular piece of knowledge. The thing that you have understood then belongs to that level and the self-being to another level. When you really return to the sphere of your own experience, you learn to look more clearly, and recognize and understand things from an increasingly greater depth.

When it's about the level of the ultimate understanding, yes, then that consciousness will so evaporate, in terms of forms and qualities, that in fact every word is too much. You can no longer even say that it is an understanding on the level of being. Consciousness and being come together and then it's no longer possible to say "I (me) have realized something." No, everything has dissolved. Even a word like “realization” is already too much, because with a word the whole world of thought immediately arrives: who or what now realizes something?

What you can say is that with enlightenment or liberation all the worlds and all the levels suddenly become transparent in their relativity. They are absorbed in the groundless openness so that the heaviness and borders all fall away.
That also applies to your self-being.




Message about Douwe

Douwe's treatment of chemotherapy and radiation therapy will continue until early March. In the weeks following that, the effect of the treatment will continue to work. In early April more can be said about how things will proceed. Douwe is still on tube feeding. He feels the effects of treatment more strongly now, but primarily there is the openness in which everything happens: these both go together.

Douwe can receive mail at his home address: Count Florisweg 101, 2805 AH Gouda.

E-mails for Douwe can be sent to William Steetskamp, chairman of the board: He sends it on to Douwe.

Urgent questions for Douwe can be addressed to Pia Block. She passes it on to Douwe.

Douwe isn't writing any thank you notes, but all the cards, flowers, light and love that are being sent “are heartwarming".

The Openness Foundation will not be organizing any summer retreats on Schiermonnikoog this year. If Douwe can go to Schier during the week of June 17 to 24, quiet meetings will be held in the chapel. Around April 1, we can give more information. Any further events organized by others on Schier do not fall under the responsibility of the Openness Foundation.

A new book from Douwe will appear in late March from the Advaita Publishers:

Chakra Yoga - experiential knowledge and liberation of life-energies and bodies
288 pages
Price: € 34.50
ISBN 9789077194089

Yoga is the path to liberation from restrictions in all parts of existence. This book focuses on liberation of the different life energies: the mental, expressive, emotional, vital, sexual and other energies. The liberation path of immediate insight into your own free-being often seems to be difficult. You can easily become stuck in tension, emotions, desires, attachments and other energies. A temporary practice of energetic yoga with a clear consciousness can be helpful with these tough identifications.

The first aim of this book is to give the reader insight into the different life energies and bodies connected to those energies in your own experience. The second objective is to purify these energies, to heal and finally allow them to develop infinitely. Both contribute to the main goal: the realization of unity and freedom of the self.

This book provides a contemporary approach to the tantric yoga chakras by leaving the culturally specific performances and rituals to one side and remaining with your own actual experience, which is what tantra is really all about.

Er is geen tweeheid

als je ontspannen bent
in zelf-bewustzijn
is dat duidelijk.

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Douwe schreef en redigeerde gedurende zijn leven boeken. Via onze uitgeverij zijn deze nog verkrijgbaar.

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