Advaita Post #12-01

Volume 12 No. 1 (January 9, 2011)
-- Remain in the Light which knows no contrast between light and dark --

From a talk on December 15, 2010 - Advaita Center, Gouda

It is of the utmost importance to distinguish between what is transitory and what is imperishable. The calendar year runs to its end. Another year has gone by. The activities here gradually stop. At the end of the year people look back and say: time flies. All the things that were important to you are gone. But what about yourself? After the old year there is a new year and then, so the idea goes, life continues on in the old way. How long? You don't really know.

But what about yourself? That remains the most central question. What about yourself. To the extent that you are transient, you say: yes, I'm transient. But right away there is another element that goes beyond it, just as with the end of the year. You, yourself, extend beyond the calendar year that now comes to its end.

If you see through this in yourself, you see that time has to do only with phenomena. That in your self-being there is no time to be found. As forms vanish, there remains that within which forms appear - and that is the sphere in which you are.

This insight can come. Sometimes something hard has to happen, serious things have to happen, for instance, that you are fully confronted with the end of your life. But it can also occur just like that - when you return to yourself, where you can immediately confirm: here there is no time.

We have often spoken about the groundlessness of the origin, of total openness, the groundlessness in which there is nothing left to hold on to and also no self left that would hold on to anything. The realization of this groundless openness makes the world in time so relative, because it's clear that there is nothing other than the groundless openness in which you are present, where you yourself are present in the same way: as openness without forms.

When you can be a little present in that large space - be even more lucid there and see where it is not yet entirely open, where certain identifications still exist. Remain in the openness and you notice that the last identifications dissolve.
In principle, you have that knowledge. That’s where independence lies.

What is the only authentic experience? Isn't that the original, where everything has its source and is one? Every experience that has a form is conditioned. It contains all kinds of forms you have learned and that is not authentic. Take a look to see what your authentic self really is.

 Can the path also be intense grief?

Yes, of course. Everything can be a path to that authentic. Thus, if you have experienced sadness or love in the authentic sense, then you have to go more deeply into it. And then you'll notice that there are still all kinds of elements there on a personal level. But when you continue through to the essence of it, totally, you see that everything clarifies.

The sooner you realize that everything was always already good, the better. That is pretty much the last formulation that is possible. Experience that there is Goodness, preceding every separation including that of goodness or badness, previous to sorrow and joy, and that this was always already there in a totally open way. Thus that is something that doesn't belong to time, because it precedes it.

Stay there with it, stay there with it.


Message from Douwe
This message was addressed and read to the people who were present at the retreat afternoon of December 28, but now it applies to everyone.

 Let this be a day of joy,
Of deep joy in the being-experience of unity in freedom.

Within it there is also the freedom of attachments to the perishable body.
The body has its own constitution and laws.
Also with me there is such a body with strong genetic determinants.
The body is and remains a miracle and the incarnation is therein.
Nevertheless; I am free from the body, you are free from the body.
Therefore, the bodily life can continue in a natural way until the incarnation has lasted long enough.

Nothing is missing, everything is there, and therefore there is no longing.
I am and everything is there as universal unity, and therefore there is no grasping.
There is nothing else and therefore there is no resistance.
Everything is complete in the one non-duality.

No one and nothing can hold you back from this openness, therefore you are independent.
This is an aware self-reliance without any restriction, without condition; groundless openness.

The many letters, cards and emails also show this. I am very happy about that. The togetherness of the realization means a great joy. The radiating love of it is beautiful.

So, let this be a day of joy, love and freedom.
I am there with you.


Report of the Silent Afternoon

For those who were present at the gathering Tuesday afternoon December 28 it indeed felt as if Douwe was also there.

After Willem had read the letter from Douwe, we listened to a recording of Self Meditation (see the downloads on the website from 2002).

While we followed Douwe's instructions from the recording, we expanded our attention out to the inner world. Initially, it is a feeling of body and breath. We become increasingly aware of ourselves. Gradually we experience the depth of Self-being: infinite being-awareness which precedes all forms.

"Know that you are Yourself and that everything is present therein," says Douwe on the tape.
The meditation brings the group into a deep silence, where then sometimes in an unmistakable way a feeling of Douwe’s presence also appears.

"That was just about it, again," Douwe says at the end of the meditation on the tape.
And we ended up in that area of our Self.  From that underlying silence it is a joy to see one another. Some people have met each other so frequently over the years in the Advaita Center.

We have another silent period, guided once again by a recording from Douwe and finally there is a snack and a drink.

No, nothing needs to be added to that silence, everything is fulfilled.  Experiencing that together with a group, makes it strong and intense. When we experience that consciously, we can also remain open for whatever comes next.




Last Message
The first satsang of 2011 was scheduled for this Wednesday. Douwe wants to let this continue, mostly with silence from 19:30 - 21:00 hours.

Message about Douwe
The tumor that is situated on the edge of the esophagus and stomach must be removed. Douwe can no longer eat and is now on tube feeding. Thankfully it is working well and he has already gained some weight.
The doctors propose chemotherapy and radiotherapy followed by surgery, because the entire treatment gives the best result. That means radiation every day for 5 weeks and 1 day a week chemo. The chemo is not very heavy, only to support the radiation. The operation should be five to six weeks after this treatment.

Douwe's preference is to have an examination after the first phase and then see what the options are without operating.
He said he was ready to leave, but that the interest and love from so many people let him see the other side. Therefore he now contributes positively "to the powers that be to let the incarnation continue temporarily."

It's very nice to see that Douwe himself is Openness and so therein, goes with the flow in a practical sense.



Any e-mails for Douwe can be sent to Willem Steetskamp, chairman of the board.

To post mail to Douwe, his address is:
Graaf Florisweg 101
2805 AH Gouda
The Netherlands

Douwe receives the best possible medical care. Therefore well-meant advice is not necessary. The best way to support him is by being present in Light and Love.


Wishing an open-breaking Light for everyone in 2011,

Douwe Tiemersma


Er is geen tweeheid

als je ontspannen bent
in zelf-bewustzijn
is dat duidelijk.

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    Verdwijnende scheidingen

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Bekijk het aanbod